Below are some concrete examples of how sponsors are implementing the STEM initiative in the Intern category, based on a March 2023 data snapshot. All exchange visitors are on a STEM exchange connected to a Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code on the DHS STEM Designated Degree Program List.

  • An agricultural consulting firm partners with a university to host a plant protection and integrated pest management Intern from Guatemala.
  • Through a partnership with a university, a seed company hosts an Intern focused on agricultural and horticultural plant breeding.
  • Through their connections with a business association, an automotive and power generation company hosts a Trainee from Germany in the field of mechanical engineering and manufacturing.
  • A healthcare research corporation hosts an image processing and algorithm development Intern from the Netherlands.
  • A solar power and energy storage company hosts an Intern from Ireland in the field of energy systems engineering.
  • A zoo partners with a cultural exchange organization to host a wildlife biology Intern from the United Kingdom.
  • A dairy production farm partners with a university to host a dairy science Intern from Haiti.