FAQs for Government
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What is a designated sponsor?
Sponsors are designated by the U.S. Department of State to conduct exchange visitor programs. There are approximately 1,450 private sector, academic, and federal, state, and local government entities currently designated as sponsors who conduct 15 categories of exchange programs. This includes the seven categories which are eligible to participate in the STEM Initiative: College and University Student (Student Intern and Academic Training), Intern, Trainee, Specialist, Short term Scholar, Professor or Research Scholar. Only Department-designated sponsors are authorized to issue the Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status (Form DS-2019), which is the document that permits a J-1 exchange visitor visa application. The Form DS-2019 identifies the exchange visitor, their sponsor, and provides a brief description of their exchange program, including the program start and end dates and exchange program category. On the BridgeUSA website, you can see a list of sponsors that have expressed interest in collaborating with STEM host organizations in the STEM Initiative, as well as a full list of Department-designated sponsors.
What is a host organization in the STEM Initiative?
Host organizations provide research, training, teaching or internship opportunities in the United States on behalf of a designated sponsor pursuant to an executed written agreement with the sponsor. Host organizations are where exchange visitors conducting training or research in a STEM-related field or industry are placed. Visit the BridgeUSA website, for additional information on host organizations.
What is the process for initiating the STEM Research Initiative and what are next steps? How will I be notified?
Prospective host organizations should reach out to BridgeUSA Sponsors (ECA’s implementing partners for exchanges) to determine the best fit. After interested parties connect, sponsors and host sites will follow their own internal procedures to determine whether a placement meets category-specific regulatory requirements and the goals and objectives of the Exchange Visitor Program.For host organizations that pursue a partnership with a Department-designated sponsor, that sponsor will be your primary resource and implementing partner for the duration of the exchange.
What type of oversight is recommended for J-1 exchange visitors in the STEM Research Initiative categories?
As explained in the DOS guidance for Responsible Officers of designated programs, the program sponsor must ensure that STEM Initiative exchange visitors have a positive experience, paying close attention to their health and welfare while on program and providing appropriate orientations, oversight, and cross-cultural experiences. Regular check-ins (often but not exclusively by email) and a site visit (whether in person or by video) are essential to support program integrity.
Where can I find a list of the designated program sponsors that have expressed a specific interest in the STEM Research Initiative?
On the BridgeUSA website, you can explore sponsors that expressed interest in connecting with prospective host organizations. Additionally, see all sponsors designated by the State Department for the Research Scholar category.