FAQs for Government
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I represent a STEM business. Why should I participate in the STEM Initiative?
The Department created a webpage for the STEM Research Initiative so that interested businesses could easily find BridgeUSA sponsors. If a business is not already hosting exchange visitors through a BridgeUSA sponsor or if it is interested in exploring new options, host organizations are encouraged to interview several BridgeUSA sponsors to determine the best fit for their organization. For you, these exchanges mean bringing a global perspective into your operations‚ diversifying your teams, enhancing your innovation, and building your global network.
If a Department-designated university sponsor currently has J-1 Research Scholars on campus and those exchange visitors would like to continue their research off campus with a U.S.-based STEM business, can the university still be their sponsor?
Yes. A J-1 Research Scholar can continue their research off campus with a STEM business if the primary objective of the exchange will remain the same e.g., to research a particular subject. Department-designated sponsors must have robust procedures in place to confirm the bona fides of any host organization, lab, or office that will serve as a host organization for their exchange visitors. Sponsors must add the site of activity in the exchange visitor’s SEVIS record and may amend thelength of an exchange visitors’ program in SEVIS within the category’s maximum duration to avail of new eligible sites of activity (e.g., a STEM business). Once the SEVIS record is amended, the sponsor should issue an updated Form DS-2019 to the exchange visitor. While not required, any program sponsor can charge a fee for participating host companies or individual J-1 exchange visitors. Sponsors should properly disclose any fee in their program materials.
If a research scholar will receive wages or other remuneration from a host organization, what process do sponsors have to follow for that?
Host organizations (e.g., STEM businesses) can pay wages or other remuneration directly to research scholars during their programs. Sponsors should document the wages or other remuneration and update existing financial information in SEVIS for the selected exchange visitor. Sponsors should print updated Forms DS-2019, which will reflect the total financial support, sign it, and provide a copy to the exchange visitor.
If the sponsor is a Department-designated university, and the school already has J-1 research scholars on campus, may the school place the J-1 research scholar with an off-campus host organization?
Yes. A J-1 research scholar may continue their research off campus with a host organization if the primary objective of the exchange will remain the same (e.g., continuation of original research goals). Sponsors must add the additional site of activity in the exchange visitor’s SEVIS record and may amend the length of an exchange visitor’s program in SEVIS within the category’s maximum duration to avail of new eligible sites of activity (e.g., a STEM business). Once the SEVIS record is amended, the sponsor should issue an updated Form DS-2019 to the exchange visitor.
If the sponsor is a Department-designated university, may the school place the J-1 research scholar with a host that is off-campus?
Yes. The school may place the J-1 research scholar with an off-campus host as long as the research scholar is conducting research consistent with their original program objectives. The host organization does not need to have any affiliation with the school. Examples include a startup that is affiliated with a faculty member of the school or an affiliated or unaffiliated corporation performing research and development in the school’s regional area.