FAQs for Government
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I am a host organization interested in becoming a Department-designated sponsor for STEM exchange visitors. Please clarify whether organizations are required to host exchange visitors before they can apply to be designated as a sponsor or can they apply now for designation as a sponsor?
The Department welcomes and encourages new organizations to become designated sponsors of the Exchange Visitor Program. Please visit the BridgeUSA website for more details on how to apply.
I am a host organization interested in sponsoring STEM exchange visitors. How can I become a Department-designated sponsor?
In the long term, after demonstrating experience hosting exchange visitors, STEM host organizations may also apply for their own Department designation as a BridgeUSA sponsor after meeting the Department’s eligibility requirements. Please contact [email protected] for more information.Will the initiative affect the home-residency requirement for exchange visitors? The initiative will not affect the home-residency requirement for exchange visitors. Some exchange visitors are subject to the two-year home-country physical presence requirement following their exchange program. Please visit https://travel.state.govfor additional information. The STEM Research Initiative is now listed as a separate program on the BridgeUSA website. Does this mean that a program sponsor that a company already uses must be separately designated for the Initiative in order to participate?No new designations are required to participate in the STEM Research Initiative. The Initiative links interested STEM businesses with interested BridgeUSA sponsors. If a STEM business is already working with a BridgeUSA sponsor and it is satisfied with that partnership (e.g., the sponsor is providing enough eligible, high quality exchange visitor candidates), there is no need for the business to sign up.
I am a STEM business and am interested in being a host organization. What is the first step to participate in this initiative?
Prospective host organizations should reach out to Department-designated sponsors (ECA’s implementing partners for exchanges) to determine program eligibility and best fit. After interested parties connect, sponsors and host organizations will follow their own internal procedures to determine whether a placement meets category-specific regulatory requirements and the goals and objectives of the Exchange Visitor Program.For host organizations that pursue a partnership with a Department-designated sponsor, that sponsor will be your primary resource and implementing partner for the duration of the exchange.
I am interested in the STEM Research Initiative and have some specific questions on how to get started, what should I do?
If you are a STEM organization or an association representing STEM businesses either broadly or in a specific industry, please express an interest in receiving more information by writing to [email protected] describing your organization and interest.
I represent a STEM business. What are the roles and responsibilities for host organizations hosting a STEM exchange visitor?
Once you connect with a Department-designated sponsor, it will be your primary resource and implementing partner for the duration of the exchange. It can guide you through the recruitment and sponsorship of exchange visitors for your organization. It will inform you of your roles and responsibilities as a host organization.First, the sponsor will work with you to determine whether your business meets the category-specific regulatory requirements and the goals of the Exchange Visitor Program. Sponsors will assess whether your business will be a good match for an exchange visitor and will determine whether you have the necessary infrastructure to host and support a STEM exchange visitor. Host businesses must demonstrate that their industry or field of research or study aligns with the background and skills of the prospective exchange visitor.For the duration of the exchange visitor’s program, the host business works in tandem with the designated sponsor to monitor the exchange visitor’s progress and welfare. The host business provides the exchange visitor with valuable skills, education, and experience in its STEM field while benefitting from the exchange visitor’s unique skills, talent, and perspective. A pre-established supervisor or mentor at your business should be responsible for the day-to-day oversight of an exchange visitor.Importantly, the STEM initiative is an educational and cultural exchange program. While it facilitates work-based training and research and learning opportunities, it is not a labor program. Exchange visitors are expected to return home and share their newly acquired skills and knowledge in their home country.